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Get Your Team Collaborating Today!

Our Junkyard Orchestra Is An Epic Exercise In Real World Synergy and Collaborative Fun!


Junkyard Orchestra 

A company or team is like an Orchestra… If the individuals that make up the orchestra each decided to do their own solo and play to their own rhythm, it would just be noise all the time.

The key to producing great results is to create unity and harmony… And that’s done with a clear plan, leadership, and enthusiasm!

Our professional facilitator takes your team on a fun, rhythmic physical and mental adventure!

Lead by an experienced facilitator with a strong musical background, your team progresses through stages designed to break them out of their “shell,” break the ice, warm them up, and get them participating with enthusiasm. As the event progresses, the challenge increases just enough to keep things interesting, while business and team-work oriented messaging is infused by your facilitator.

First, your team learns to play together using simple shout-beat rhythms… This is a fun, simple and engaging warm-up to what will come next.

Once the group has demonstrated their ability to work together in coordination, they graduate to instruments.  They are broken into teams using a fun, creative process, and then the teams are “issued” their instruments.  There are 4-6 instrument types available, depending on team size, and thus we break your group into 4-6 teams.

Instruments are then distributed, and each team gets a brief explanation on how to play their instrument, and a quick “sound check” where they get to play without coordination or clear plan… The resulting noise that comes from a lack of coordination serves as a vivid example of how everyone trying to “be a rock star” at once results in a collective failure… That the best bands and orchestras are comprised of talented people who have decided to work collectively toward a common goal.

Once this is mastered, your group is broken into teams in a fun, playful way.  Each team then is issued their own specific instrument, which include 4-5 items, including ‘bucket’ drums, drum sticks, kazoos, shakers, and ratchet-tubes.

Each team is given a brief primer on how to properly play their instrument. Then they are given a very simple, yet extremely popular song to play together (e.g., We Will Rock You)

Soon this will be contrasted with each section playing their part, as they are led by your facilitator… Teams go through a “learn and rehearse” process that lasts a few minutes. Once all teams have “rehearsed” without the other team, they are directed to play in unison.

Emphasis is placed on cohesive teamwork, working together and following guidelines, and the value of doing things RIGHT before we do them FAST. (This is a lesson easily extrapolated to business).

Once teams have worked through their parts, we layer them into one entire cohesive team playing together.  Pieces that seemed trivial or strange suddenly take on new meaning in the context of the whole (another important business lesson).  At first the song is a bit rough around the edges, but through repetition and practice, it gets shaped into a fun, funky piece of music that everyone in the room has a part in playing.

Once the piece is “mastered” there are opportunities to create more challenge by speeding up the rhythms, incorporating the “shout-beat” from the beginning (including messaging/keywords).

Finally, for loner programs, we include the option of allowing teams to break apart into their own area and develop both group and/or individual “solos” which they will incorporate for the grand finale!

With the finale comes increased speed, chants, solos and a blistering ending with an energized shouted “cheer” from the team!

If you want to energize your team, give them a collaborative bonding experience, or add a special “highlight” to the beginning or end of another day or event, the Junkyard Orchestra is a fun, engaging and memorable way to energize your team and your event!

Event Time: 30 minutes to 3 hours depending upon client needs.

Minimum / Maximum participants: 12 to 500 participants

Junkyard Orchestra

  • Topics:
  • Synergy
  • Cross-Team Unity and Cohesiveness
  • Standing Out and Playing Together
  • Precision and Performance

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